Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Almost to Grade 1

So, I'm almost going to declare myself as grade 1 recovery.  That is, live "normally" without pain.

I was going to declare it today, but I realized I can't quite sit indian-style yet, or get in the car knee-and-butt first without the legs getting just a little sore.  I'm lifting the baby for a few seconds at a time reasonably...  It is amazing that the legs were sore all the time, but now I barely notice them.

Perhaps in a week.

Then grade 2 will be walking at 4mph and lifting the next biggest child (maybe a few weeks later), grade 3 will be running slowly and lifting the next biggest child, and grade 4 will be running full, lifting the largest child, and doing anything I want with no pain.  That sounds pretty far away.

1 comment:

  1. Dang it! I'm having one of those stupid girly emotional responses to this dumb post! I almost cried because it's so happy making knowing you are almost better! And what's more, knowing you can pick up the youngest for a few seconds and change his diaper!
