Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Okay, so this is going to be weird:

So, the last few months have been a little traumatic, but it's basically over -- except for the GI issue, whereby I left a lab work culture at the lab yesterday, with TBD results, and the urinary issue, which, seems to be good 2 days in a row and less good 2 days in a row, and the good days are about as good before all of this started -- and sometimes feels like a distant memory.

Today is the 2-month anniversary of the middle surgery.  About a week after coming home, and I got on antibiotics, and they were worried about things like meningitis (where, it seems, a for this is if you can't touch your chin to your chest), I find out that a neighbor of somebody I know dies of meningitis.  He was in his 30s, has small children, and it came on suddenly.  Various friends and family members are acquiring their share of chronic ailments.  Then there's me, almost sort of virtually back to normal.  How am I supposed to feel about that?  Lucky?  Guilty?  Weird?  I guess I'm a little of all of that................................

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