Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wasn't going to post, but...

My wife made me a really awesome chocolate cake, and I just got a pack of get-well cards from my cousin and his family.  Awesome people!

So, after my mile run on Saturday, I was exhausted the rest of the day, similar to when I ran a half-marathon two years ago.  Then I didn't exercise again until yesterday, where I walked half a mile a 4mph.  Felt mostly fine.

(Rationale on Saturday was that walking a 4 does more twisting at 4, so running at that speed was easier than walking at that speed, but I compared them both yesterday, and it turned out not to be the case).

The leg pain is almost gone.  Sitting on the ground, I can bend my right knee up as high as it can until "normal tension", but my left leg is still a little behind, as it has been the whole time.

Otherwise, I can do anything non-strenuous.  I am carrying the 2yo everywhere (carefully, and most certainly not lifting from a position of more than 6 inches away), and I picked up 4yo to a waist position yesterday (was scared to lift her the rest of the way).  I'm scared to do pushups...

I can still feel the line in my back where the scar is healing.  When I walk/run too fast, it feels like the line is pulling (like as if it were held together by a string, and you pull on the top of the string to cinch it up), and I back off immediately.

But I think I meet the criteria I made for myself last week to be at Stage 1 Recovery.

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