I picked up a wind instrument for the first time tonight in a while. I was working with my 10yo (this is the same as my 9yo, who recently had a birthday) for her near concert. I managed to go up and below the break with much greater speed than before. Going down seemed to be easier than going up. Not near good enough, but much faster than I can strum between chords on a guitar.
We learned various sharps and flats, and various notes over the break. I tried to play the trumpet part of my HS fight song (I'm a geek, it's true; no surprise), and did a C above the bar for a bit. Except it's impossible for me to hold only notes on the back of the clarinet with no counterbalance from the front, so I [incorrectly, I'm sure] held it between my knees.
Then, all of a sudden, I ran out of gusto. Not gradually, but very suddenly (yes, that's redundant), I just couldn't play any more.
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