Sunday, March 18, 2012

Regression day

Today, everything is a little worse except for the legs.  I'm completely exhausted, voiding isn't happening enough to skip artificial withdrawal (it's as good as it was a week ago, but nowhere near as good as, say, Thursday), and I'm getting a weird back spasm.  Like a poke every 5 minutes.

Pull out your handy graphing calculator you had in high school that is probably covered with dust and/or the battery is dead and graph:

4*sin(x) + x

and if I weren't on a mac I might do a screenshot for you of an online pic of this, but in the meantime you can see:, type in the equation in line 1 and click graph.

You'll notice a general upward trend, but once in a while, quite regularly actually, it slumps back down.  Today is one of those days.  Hopefully, we'll back on the upswing tomorrow.


  1. Screenshots on a mac:
    Open Preview (standard equipment)
    -> file -> Take Screen Shot > ...

    For the future...

  2. Thanks! Will remember for the future (fgj!)
